About Me


How I got to where I am

It’s a whole new world!

My UCI Acceptance letter back in 2015

When I enrolled at UC Irvine (UCI), I was Undecided/Undeclared student pursuing Electrical Engineering. Being on campus felt like stepping into a new world. I explored places like Chipotle and Yogurtland that were not in my hometown!

Senior Year High School - I was #1 Doubles! That year I went to CIF!

There were so many extracurricular activities to choose from! I played tennis in high school and wanted to continue playing! I thought I could play for the NCAA tennis team, but the coach said otherwise. Then I looked for the Intramural Tennis Club competitive team, but I was not at the same level as those players. As I was training to improve my tennis game, I joined the Rowing Intramural Club to become a better tennis player!

I was also involved in several organizations, including Circle K, the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers at UCI (SHPE-UCI), and the Student Retention & Outreach Center (SOAR). In addition, I worked as a busboy, dishwasher, and cook at the Lot 5 Eatery in Mesa Court.

All this happened in my first year. All of these activities added up to a crucial moment in my life.


I invested too much time in extracurricular activities and forgot my main reason for enrolling in college, to graduate with a degree. That Winter quarter 2016 I failed Physics 2(I got a 3/16 on the final. You need a 12/16 to pass) and Math 2B. I was put on Academic Probation. I thought “I just got into UC Irvine and I am already going to get kicked out!”

I learned an important lesson from this experience - the value of investing time in activities that help me achieve my goals(Read about it in the lessons and values section!). I passed my classes for the Spring Quarter 2016 and got on Dean's Honor List. I also got out of Academic Probation! That Summer quarter 2016 I retook the classes I failed.

I improved in Physics! I got an 8/16 on the final (I went to see the professor, but he could not look me in the eyes. I went many times to office hours. He knew my story of wanting to become an Electrical Engineer. He knew all the effort I put in. But I still failed)

I went back to my counselor. He suggested picking something not STEM like Sociology, but I did not want to leave STEM! He introduced me to Computer Science, which I had never heard of before.

Here I learned of the option to declare a Computer Science major. At this point, Computer Science was an option, not a passion. I enrolled in the ICS 31 class for Winter Quarter 2017. To prepare, I took a Python Course on Codecademy that Fall Quarter 2016!

The ComeUp

My Sophomore year started and I was selected for the Administrative Internship Program (AIP). I worked under the amazing Sherwynn Umali. When I told other interns they all gasped in jealousy because she was famous all over UCI and everyone loved her. I had no idea! (Working with her was amazing that I made a tribute page ). To succeed in Computer Science, you need to gain technical experience, but the projects assigned for my internship were not technical!

Sophomore Year at AIP. Manager in the middle. Teammate on the right side!

The Idea

I noticed that the AIP website was old. It had pictures from two years ago. Also, it was not a standalone website. AIP deserved better. This was a perfect opportunity to create a technical project for myself. I asked my manager if I can create a new WordPress website for my intern project. She asked, "Have you created websites in the past?" With the most confidence in the world, I said, "No!"

My manager laughed and introduced me to Steven Tajiri from the SLL IT Department. Steven and I had a Karate Kid Moment as he mentored me in website development! Just like Mr.Miyagi did to Daniel.

After multiple attempts and errors, I finally completed the website! Also, the website is still functional and in use today. Take a look!

Steve and I at a Student Conference!

I Found It!

I sat in the SLL office and realized a fact that lit up my mind like a light bulb. By creating a simple website, I was made an impact on an organization and prospective students. I revitalized the brand for an organization! Also, prospectives students can now learn about this internship opportunity with its new online presence. Now everyone can share the website and learn about it! At that moment, my perception of Computer Science transformed from an option to a passion. I had a new goal of becoming a Software Engineer, someone who could help others and create an impact in the world.

From Here and Out

WordPress did the whole work for you! I wanted to learn the process behind making websites using code. I discovered a Codecademy course called "Build Websites from Scratch" and took it during the summer of 2017. Then I set goals and invested my time in priorities that would bring me closer to becoming a Software Engineer. I got involved in organizations such as:

Management Leadership for Tomorrow. I was a Career Prep fellow and graduated in the top 5% of my class.

Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE-UCI). SHPE-UCI was a big part of my college experience. I became a general member, then secretary, then External Vice President, then President (Being president was one of the best things I have ever done!). During the year I served as President, SHPE-UCI received 13 awards and won the coveted National Medium Chapter of the Year award, beating 245 chapters across the U.S. for the first time in SHPE-UCI history.

✅ I completed 6 Software Engineering internships at S&P Dow Jones Indices, UCI Student Life and Leadership, JP Morgan Chase & Co, Vusar, Dreams For Schools, and FinityOne.

Pictures of my adventures!

S&P Dow Jones Indices Internship in New York! First in my family to explore New York.

JP Morgan Chase & Co in Chicago! First in my family to explore Chicago.

National Convention 2020 (Left). SHPE-UCI 2018-2019 board members (Right). SHPE-UCI played a big part of my life.

Graduated March 2020!

Here are some of the values I live by

You Can Learn Anything

I believe that anyone can learn anything. As human beings, we are capable of so much. We can learn anything from sports to complex mathematics. We just need guidance, resources, and patience.

When I was in college I found this youtube video posted by Khan Academy. This video told me that I may not understand something at first, but with practice and not giving up I will get it!

The “You Can Learn Anything” movement from Khan Academy has motivated me through college and now to continue pushing myself to try new things! I hope it motivates you too.

You Can Do Anything, but You Cannot Do Everything

When I was a freshman in college, I had a 1-1 with Stefano Ganddini and he showed me this quote that I am still using today! Let’s go into more in detail.

Previously I mentioned how we can do anything, but we do not have all the time in the world!

This means we are limited in the things we can do per day. It also means that time is valuable. We need to invest our time in things that will help us reach our goals.

For example, if our goal is to learn to code, then let's plan out a plan for the next quarter (three months) to invest our time in activities to take us closer to achieving our goal.

This is what I did when I was on academic probation and how I got out of it!

Made By Salvador Villalon Jr